Afgang 2023: Michaela Turcerová
A118, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
šumenie is a composition for ensemble of creatives, analogue objects and space. Transformative processes of collective spectrum are structured by surrealistic logic and the deconstruction to the most fundamental sonic components is sculptured through time. Oscillating distorted memories of non-human timbres. The building blocks of the piece are translations and expansions of personal sonic vocabulary to the ensemble through operating with inner forces.
Michaela Turcerová - saxophones, composition
Michał Biel - baritone saxophone, reel-to-reel
Luka Zabric - alto saxophone
Sarah Buchner - voice
Asger Thomsen - double bass
Jēkabs Rēders - percussion
Irene Bianco – percussion