The ideas behind the concept of Artistic Citizenship have the potential to unfold the art institutions’ capacity for contributing in diverse ways to the cultural and artistic engagement of all citizens in society. From a contemporary, creative music perspective, Artistic Citizenship holds strong notions of inclusion and co-productive creativity, where the citizen becomes tangibly involved in the creative art processes. Such processes are claimed to enhance and enforce citizens’ creative agency and general quality of life from a life-long perspective. CReArC aims at being the pivot of such research and research-based activities.
Launch of CReArC online (February 23, 2021)
Panel at GRASP, Roskilde, Denmark (November 2021)
Panel at 1st Conference of Performing Arts Nairobi, Kenya (February 2022)
Participation at ANPPOM (Brazilian National Association for Research and Postgraduate studies in Music) Natal, Brazil (October 2022)
Publication Westvall, M., & Achieng’ Akuno, E. (Eds.). (2024). Music as Agency: Diversities of Perspectives on Artistic Citizenship. Routledge (April 2024).
Collaboration with Social Impact of Music Making SIMM (2021-2024)
CReArC network members facilitating and participating in two panels at the ISME conference, Helsinki, FInland (August 2024).
Co-hosting SIMM-posium at RMC, Copenhagen, Denmark (November, 2024)
CReArC network members guest lecturing in Master programmes (intercultural interaction) between institutions (2021-2024).
- CReArC aims to become an internationally recognized hub for research in the field of music and arts education, with a particular emphasis on Artistic Citizenship.
- CReArC aims to become the go-to place for practitioners, leaders and politicians in the cultural sector regarding various artistic and cultural relationships in society, both local and global.
- CReArC contributes new research-based knowledge to the international field of Artistic Citizenship, including music and arts education.
- CReArC initiates, develops and carries out research activities through a range of collaborative formats across conventional lineages and borders of interest and perspectives.
- CReArC shares and disseminates research results and discussions relevant to the field of Artistic Citizenship.
- At CReArC, international research activities such as workshops, talks, conferences and network meetings, ensure critical dialogues on the subject of Artistic Citizenship.
- At CReArC, we initiate and head research project development and design aimed at securing funding from national and international funding agencies.
- At CReArC, we welcome invitations and initiatives to participate in research projects within adjacent fields of music education.
- At CReArC, students, teachers and researchers engage in a wide range of collaborative educational research activities in-house and in collaboration with partners.
The intention of the network is to form an international community of researchers who share a common interest in issues connected to Artistic Citizenship. The network members represent different, yet interrelated, disciplines as well as a variety of cultural and educational contexts. Research in Artistic Citizenship includes approaches to music that relate to social inclusion, artistic development, music education, and the development and empowerment of individuals and communities, to mention some aspects. All researchers in the network are involved in different studies and projects that relate to the topics mentioned above. CReArC Network of International Scholars is a forum in which we develop new ideas, studies, publications and collaborations.
Dr. Emily Achieng Akuno, Vice Chancellor of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology in Siaya County, Kenya.
Dr. Andrea Creech, Professor of Music Pedagogy at the Schulich School of Music, McGill University, Canada.
Dr. Charles Carson, Associate professor of Musicology/Ethnomusicology at University of Texas at Austin, USA.
Dr. Flávia Narita, Senior lecturer of Music Education at Universidade de Brasília, Brazil.
Dr. Oscar Pripp, Associate professor of Ethnology at Uppsala Universitet, Sweden.
Dr. Nan Qi, Associate professor of Music Education at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
Dr. Maria Westvall, Professor of Education at RMC Denmark. Director of CReArC.
For a further introduction of the network:
Planned activities:
RMC will be hosting the SIMM-posium #9, Copenhagen, November 5th-7th 2024.