Afgang 2023: Lola Hammerich
Koncertsalen, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
For her bachelor concert Lola Hammerich will be joined by a band and they will play songs about different things. It sounds pretty common and it is. Like when your fantasy is reduced to reality but you like it better that way because it’s real and you’re actually living. The inspiration came from annoying squeaky floorboards and the first idea didn’t stick, but it eventually became a song about ups and downs, the soft drama, the simple things that still have a ripple and the uncomfortable feeling of being paralysed as the phone is holding us back from doing cool stuff. When words don’t suffice, the guitar is a reliable mouthpiece for the fingers, admitting that feelings are uncontrollable even if they are breadcrumbs that no one follows.
Line up: Lola Hammerich, Gintė Preisaitė, Søren Maria Buschmann, Adrian Aurelius, Fine Glindvad