
RMC præsenterer i Brorsons: Sisa Feher & KHI + Lucas Dann + Michal Biel & Funes el memorioso

Oplev spændende musikere fra Københavns talentmasse, når Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium (RMC) inviterer til gratis 1. års-kandidatkoncerter i Brorsons Kirke.

Brorsons Kirke
Rantzausgade 49
2200 København N

Følg med på aftenens Facebook-event. 

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kl. 19.00: Sisa Feher & KHI 

kl. 20.00: Lucas Dann 

kl. 21.00: Michal Biel & Funes el memorioso

Sisa Feher & KHI 

KHI is an ensemble led by slovak artist Sisa Feher as well as the name of an upcoming album to be released by the end of June 2021. With every past album released Sisa provides different worlds of instrumentation and sounds and KHI carries on this custom. The music speaks about the pressure and contemplates ways how to release it.

The concert will present all the new material with rather raw sound of Sisa’s vocals, forthright brass section in a very specific constellation of trumpet, flugelhorn and trombone served on the top of tasty rhythm section with wild guitar backing the whole package for the live performance. 


Sisa Feher - vocal

Lucas Dann - piano

Martin Brunbjerg - upright bass

Ivar Asheim - drums

Alex Ruess - guitar

Erik Kimestad - trumpet

Claus Hojensgard - flugelhorn

Laurits Bilen - trombone

Listen on Spotify and SoundCloud, more on Instagram.

Lucas Dann 

Free solo is one of the most intimate ways to perform live music. It allows for no barriers between the artist and the audience, and no safety net for the musician other than their own creativity and instinct. What is performed is entirely temporary and will only last as long as the concert itself. It is an offering made solely to those present.

This concert marks the first time canadian pianist Lucas Dann will perform completely improvised and solo for a live audience since the release of his debut solo recording ‘Forgetting it All’ released on May 7th, 2021.

Listen on Bandcamp, more on Lucas Dann's website and Instagram.

Michal Biel & Funes el memorioso 

‘Funes el memorioso’ is a situation and installation piece for many performers, objects and sound curtain. The composition immerses in the labirynth of metaphors and literalisms, as “All the branches, clusters and leaves that form a whole row of vines”, braid the short story of the same title by Jorge Luis Borges.

"....the solitary and lucid spectator of a multiform, instantaneous and almost intolerably precise world."

Polish sound composer and field-recordist Michał Biel brings the situation to Brorsons Kirke together with: 

Pauline Hogstrand - violin 

Oda Holstad Dyrnes - cello 

Vincent Yuen Ruiz - double bass 

Rafał Różalski - double bass 

Francesco Toninelli - singing cups 

Listen on Bandcamp


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Der vil kun være siddepladser og kapaciteten er begrænset på grund af retningslinjerne for spillesteder som følge af situationen med Covid-19.

Koncertsalen skal rengøres imellem hver koncert, så publikum skal forlade salen.


Admittance must be booked in advance – sign up on the guest list HERE

Seated audience only and a limited capacity due to the guidelines for reopening cultural events during the Covid-19 situation.

The concert hall must be cleaned between each concert, and the audience will be asked to step outside.