Artist Talk

Else - Performance and artist talk with Jean Galmiche

An acousmatic tribute to the Danish composer Else Marie Pade by French composer Jean Galmiche and an artist talk moderated by Henrik Marstal.

A118, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 KBH K


ELSE is a musical project created and directed by French composer Jean Galmiche, in collaboration with author and actress Julie Cardile and composer/violinist Hugo Van Rechem.

This afternoon's event at RMC features a performance of the piece ELSE, followed by an artist talk with the composer. The discussion will be moderated by PhD and Associate Professor at RMC, Henrik Marstal, who brings extensive knowledge of Else-Marie Pade's body of work.

About ELSE

This electroacoustic piece for acousmatic diffusion and mixed stage performance is a tribute to the Danish composer and pioneer of electronic music, Else Marie Pade.
A pioneer in the use of the synthesizer, a pupil of Schaeffer and Stockhausen, an early feminist resistance fighter specializing in explosives, everything in the work and life of this great composer is a source of inspiration and admiration for me [Jean Galmiche].

Her first sound discoveries are said to have been inspired by the rumor of the outside world, perceived through the partitions of her bedroom. Bedridden for months on end due to Pyelonephritis, Else became fascinated by these re-tuned "timbres of reality", and developed a boundless imagination of new sounds.

The works is supported by Fondation Paule Mikkelsens Mindelegat