Afgang 2024: Simon Plancke
A118, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
Simon Plancke is a Belgian musician who has been fortunate enough to work a lot with the dance department of Den Danske Scenekunstskole during his bachelor at RMC. In this performance, he explored together with four dancers how to create a performance together from scratch where everyone has an influence on the outcome based on the agreed upon concepts and themes.
The performance is inspired by the female gaze, fashion shows and surrealist cinema.
Please note this performance will contain:
strobe lights
loud music
Music: Hendrik Lasure & Simon Plancke
Dance: Vilma Ehnberg, Lisbeth Ravn Riis, Léana Licius & Frida Billeskov Olesen
Light: Niels Otto
Special thanks to Micaela Kühn Jara, Rasmus Ölme, Max Wallmeier, Tiziana Fracchiolla, Malin Astner and the entire dance department of DDSKS.