
Afgang 2024: Sebastians Macats

(Bachelor, Musiker)

A118, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K

'The Frankenstein Project' is a project of Sebastians Macats, a drummer, composer, and producer from Riga, Latvia. During his studies at RMC, he has worked with acoustic, electronic, composed and improvised music, which has created the feeling of having ‘’different limbs’’. This project is an attempt to ‘’sew together’’ the different working methods he has experimented with by the use of electronics and acoustic instruments - creating music that is aimed to be inclusive for various audiences. The concert will be a genre blending and bending experience!

The music will be performed by duet called UNFOLK, which consists of musician Jēkabs Rēders and Sebastians Macats.

Piano, synth - Jēkabs Rēders
Drums, electronics - Sebastians Macats

10. - 20. juni

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