
Afgang 2024: Mette Hommel

(Kandidat, Music Performance)

Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K


My Heart is the Softest Part of my Body

· I’m alone in a battlefield · as I run · look me in the eye · disappointment · you made a monster out of me · and I’m never leaving ·

Medea is the result of an unjust system. Taking inspiration from the tragedy of the same name, Medea channels resentment, grief and the feminine urge to take revenge when you’ve been pushed to desperation nearing violence by a society that demands the impossible. She embodies a love that tears you to pieces, and beneath her hard, cynical armour, she keeps a softness that almost destroys her. Medea is the ocean disguised as a woman and ranges from quiet, lonely tears to raging, destructive tsunamis.

The concert explores the loneliness that comes with being a woman expected to keep calm and carry on through heart break, assault and oppression. No one knows what you’re like when you’re alone, but Medea invites you into her head, her heart and her own personal war on the world.

Mette Hommel (flute, vocals)
Bjarke Mathiesen (sound)

The music contains contributions from
Marijke Florien
Agnes Ea Fogh Schmidt
Judith Parts



10. - 20. juni

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