
Afgang 2024: Carmen Tynell

(Bachelor, Musikproduktion)

A118, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K

Dear everyone, On the 12th of June I will present my bachelor-project at RMC and everyone interested is welcome to join. I have been working with emotional availability in music from a producers perspective.

Emotional availability in music

Emotions and essence in music are incredibly difficult to put into words. Language can feel too coarse to describe something as delicate as an emotional reaction. When can one "feel it" and why? I see it as my most important task as a producer to assist artists in creating music that feels authentic and emotionally resonant. But how does one do that best?

With my project, I have attempted to delve into how I can best facilitate the creation of emotionally available music. In this proces I have worked with different artists. The bachelor presentation will be a listening session focused on the music that has emerged during the project.

Best regards,
Carmen Tynell // TMI Tammi



10. - 20. juni

55 koncerter + events

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