Afgang 2022: Marijke Florien Maes
Koncertsalen, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
Marijke Florien likes to keep the line between acoustic singer-songwriter and electronic pop music a little bit blurry. Where her melodies are sometimes inspired by old jazz standards and classical music, her rhythmic landscapes are often avantgarde and challenging.
“Along with my new ensemble, I’m exploring what it means to be an individual soul in a world that moves so fast. During the last few months I’ve been documenting my emotional experience of battling depressive episodes and the feeling of being hunted by time. Through my music and words, I’m finding ways to express the sleepless dream and dreamless sleep I find myself in and my struggle to break free from it. How do you wake up something that doesn’t know it’s asleep?”
Marijke Florien Maes - composer, vocals, piano, ukulele
Laura Granderath - vocals
Matthías Sigurdsson - vocals
Sofia Sá - vocals
Alexander Rueß - guitar
Flavia Huarachi - flute, vocals
PJ Fossum - keys, vocals
Daniel Sousa - saxophone, vocals
Lorenzo Colocci - flute
Judith Parts - violin
Rasmus Elhøj - drums
Thiago Duarte - bass