Afgang 2022: Laura Marie Madsen
A118, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
I have spent this semester stealing from musicians, musical concepts and writers that I love to create new music through collaborative composing and arranging.
The result is 6-7 compositions about tinder, anxiety, bikini bodies, the beauty industry and friendships. All woven together into a live mixtape of music ranging from minimalist vocal pieces to fragmented ballads, heartfelt chamber pop and off-kilter rock.
The music include stolen goods from Carl Nielsen, Still House Plants, Ariana Grande, old Disney Movies and cheesy piano solos.
The lyrics include stolen goods from Fergie, Lea Marie Løppenthin, Kim Gordon, Henriette Sennenvaldt, Lizzie McGuire The Movie and Jenny Hval.
Mathilde Schelin
Ginte Preisaite
Naja-Marie Soulié
Ophelia Sangill
Photo: Amanda Bødker