Afgang 2022: Ivar Myrset Asheim
Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
What happens when we take a step away from our field for relations and communication to unfold?
SESH is a duo consisting of dancer Søren Urup Linding and musician Ivar Myrset Asheim. Together they explore what’s in between music and dance and in between a musician and a dancer. SESH:ENSEMBLE is a further exploration of how we as individuals will meet each other in different ways. By diving into the differences and similarities of sound and movement, SESH:ENSEMBLE investigates the vulnerable space of engaging with someone who’s from a different point of departure.
Lara Vejrup Ostan
Flavia Huarachi Jørgensen
Joana Ellen Öhlschläger
Luka Zabric
Søren Urup Linding
Ivar Myrset Asheim
Photo: Orbis Tertius