Afgang 2022: Isak Tind
Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
is Isak Nam Sook Tind, they will be performing an audio/visual show.
Both the visuals and the music, are an exploration into letting things collide, that you or i can let mental barriers make up rules for. "pop", "experimental", found footage, youtube clips, home videos, smartphone recordings, collage, unedited, synthesized, natural, field recordings, love, grief, vocals, instrumental, danish, korean, foreign, intimate, national, international, white, brown, emoji, text, alphabet, hangeul, starting over, beginning anew, building up, breaking down, actively unlearning, passively learning, gender,(less?), entitled to, longing for, before, after, past, present, future, friends, family, love, hate, together, private, public, work, school.
"As thoughts of old days come to mind, I open the café door
I wanted to recall the treasured memories of times past
The gentle sound of the music
Makes my heart hurt"