Afgang 2022: Calum Builder
(Solist, Komposition)
Koncertsalen, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
Although Changed, I Arise The Same
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
“There is something about this creature. I feel consumed by it. Fully immersed in swirling sounds and the fury of liquid spirits. What is this that draws me in? Why do I feel swept away? Where does it end and I begin?”
— Journal Entry 14.08.2021
‘Although Changed, I Arise The Same’ shifts between sublime ambience and flurries of tones. It features music composed for saxophone, two voices and Calum’s newly built instrument, the Reconstructed Pipe Organ.
Calum Builder: Saxophone & Pipe Organ
Wandering Spirits: Johanna Sulkunen & Zola Mennenöh