Afgang 2022: Arsene Survie Mohrath
Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
Syringe 'The Concert'
Syringe has existed for more than a decade, created by Arsene Survie in Odense. The music has been taking inspiration from noise, techno and punk music. Sounds that are created with drum machines, heavy guitars, and repetatives basslines.
Syringe is merging from a solo project to a duo project along with Lasse Beck who also understand the complaints of coming from Odense. Their next album is composed by them and this co-work has pushed Syringe to even more experimental choice of music.
For this long-awaited concert, special lights/visuals will be applied, as a part of an explanation and understanding of the music.
Syringe will be performing with an unknown number of side-artists on stage to achieve a wall of sound.
Photo: Adrian Soelberg