Afgang 2022: Anna Wærum Hansen
Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
A revenge concert in a-minor
For posers, green lasers, soft ring armor, soundarchive and synthesizers
Ira is anger resentment revenge a deadly sin
Ira dodges institutions the priests of capitalism the worship of money and infinite growth
Ira has their own channel to the divine energy to the light their own council of angels
Ira is capitalism heresy
Ira fails greatly in pride and relief
Ira does not forgive and does not shame the anger. Ira uses the movement in anger to turn away turn turn the turn and turn towards unheard voices. Ira turns away from and turns toward unheard voices.
Ira insists that it shall be known it shall be known
Line up
Mads Krue Bugge, Maria Leth Schütze, Emma Ottsen Knudsen, Lau Andersson, Isak Nam Sook