Afgang 2022: Amanda Drew
Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
In your deepest heartbreak you will find Precious Mayhem.
In lullabies and arpeggios.
In waltzes and masses.
In repetitions and endurance.
In your hands and in mine.
When anxiety begins calling to you, demanding your attention, Precious Mayhem will listen. Hand it to her and she’ll hand you her own and for a moment you’ll both be relieved of your heavy hearts.
Precious Mayhem is the newest artistic outburst by Danish composer, songwriter and vocalist Amanda Drew. The concert will be carried out by the mortality of voices, the warmth of woodwinds and cello and the patience of synthetic waves.
If you dare surrender yourself, the valiant voices of Precious Mayhem will lead you safely home.
All your sorrows will be nurtured by;
Marijke Maes
Laura Zöschg
Laura Granderath
Flavia Huarachi
Michaela Turcerová
Áslaug Magnúsdóttir
Mette Hommel
& Amanda Drew