
Copenhagen Songwriter/Producer Camp 2015: 5th - 9th July

Are you a young talented songwriter/producer? Come to Copenhagen in the summer 2015, and develop your songwriting/production skills in an exclusive group of peers and contemporary songwriters/producers.

Four days with co-writing/co-production sessions and critical reflection sessions where your work will be reviewed by teachers and peers.

Meet internationally acclaimed songwriters Mica Levi (UK), Thomas Öberg (SE) and Nis Bysted (DK)

The camp runs parallel with the Copenhagen Jazz Festival. You will have the opportunity to attend more than 1.000 concerts during the camp.

Deadline for applications Monday 4th May 2015.

Get detailed info about programme, participant fee, application etc. HERE

Copenhagen Songwriter/Producer camp 2015 is hosted by Rhythmic Music Conservatory.