Afgang 2021: Mads Riiskjær Jaurnow
Koncertsalen, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
Kbh K 1437
This kind of alternative rock music, while porous, is as weird as it is emotional and untamed. Of equal importance are the resonant harmonies shared by the instruments themselves and, simultaneously, the spiritual chemistry between the performing musicians. In a live setting, this same equation then spreads to the audience as the musicians then feed off of their chemical reverberation where every moment, frame by frame, is just as important as it is fleeting.
Mikkel Aksglæde - drums
Mathias Brank – bass
Ditlev Behrens – piano & synthesizer
Andrea Thuesen – guitar
Mads Riiskjær Jaurnow – guitar & vocals
Booking:'; // --> //-->
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