Afgang 2023: Troels Damgaard-Christensen
Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
At this concert the band Collider is going to present new material, as a culmination of the last year of ongoing experimentation with recording and writing songs. The band’s music is based on the synergy that came to life as they decided to cut some of the multilayered aesthetics from earlier records and instead work with an increased focus on the live presence in between the four of them.
The material takes departure in creative immediacy, collaborative writing and arrangement proces. Structured out of their own unique stream-of-consciousness approach their songs are developed through a collaborative investigation between experimental and dreamy rock, and cohesive pop songwriting.
Over time, Collider has evolved a unique and collage-like approach to composition that goes beyond the conventions of shoegaze, indie-pop, powerpop and progressive rock.
Collider is based Copenhagen, where they are signed to Escho.