Afgang 2023: Edvard Sundquist
Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
Edvard Sundquist plays, on one side, music with roots in alternative rock and, on another, explores an interest for classical music, orchestral instrumentation and the landscape that exists in the cross section between those two worlds.
The attempt of finding this cross section will be the meeting between two trios: one consisting of drums, electric bass and electric guitar, and one consisting of violin, cello and double bass.
That will, for this concert, result in rock-ish, folk-ich, minimal classical-ish, baroque-ish music. The human language is generally lacking when talking about genres in music.
Edvard Sundquist - electric guitar and vocals
Mads Riiskjær Jaurnow - electric bass and electric guitar
Ivar Myrset Asheim - drums
Rosanna Lorenzen - cello
Lone Aagot Meinich - violin
Rafał Różalski - double bass
Sanyu Christine Nsubuga - vocals