
Cultural Immersion and Production. The Meaning of Musicking for Social Trust and Inclusion

The project investigates how engagement in music activities in ethnic-based associations may influence social inclusion and empower citizenship among its members. We explore and discuss 1) the results from our research on ethnic associations in Sweden, and 2) the ideas behind the cultural and integration policies in Sweden, launched in the 1970s which has gradually changed during the decades due to current discourses and societal changes. 

The project has been completed, and the results are available through the following article: 

Pripp, Oscar, and Maria Westvall. 2020. “Cultural Immersion and Production. The Meaning of Musicking for Social Trust and Inclusion.” In The Social, Political and Cultural Meaning of Sound and Music, edited by Oscar Pripp and Maria Westvall, 15–25. Nätverket – etnologisk tidskrift 22.