RMC Mixtape: Ginté Preisaité collaging things
RMC Mixtape #2: Ginté Preisaité collaging things
Ginté Preisaité organizes concerts in Copenhagen and performs in various constellations among others the trio BRANCHES with Ruhi Erdogan and Rémy Gouffault, and a trio with drummer Simon Forchhammer and saxofon player Michaela Turcerova.
She introduces the mixtape in this fashion:
"So here I am to share with you a mix tape I made.
I love collaging things. It will involve all kinds of field recordings I gather, and all kinds of audio files I record, or I make during my life here in Copenhagen.
I'm studying here. Bachelor. Third year in Music performance.
Part of my musical life contains playing piano in all kinds of constellations.
But I as well have this side of me really digging into sound synthesis and processing audio and using sometimes voice or other people's instruments or some synthesizers to create these sound journeys. Mixes.
And I had this little question mark of how should I store or release this kind of music? I love playing shows, which has this longer format. A bit narrative based - storytelling from sounds.
Then I came up with this. That a sort of radio piece or mixtape can be a perfect place to share it with the world.
All sounds are made by me, except one recording I took from a British based artist, Sophie Fetokaki, and from Danish based artist, Martin Messell. He made a remix of out of my tune called ‘Swim’, and I put it here to wrap it up, because I thought it's a nice ending for this mixtape. Other than that, all sounds are made by me."
1. Ginte Preisaite - I wanted
2. Ginte Preisaite - inner shelf layer
3. S.Fetokaki - The Resurrection
4. Ginte Preisaite - NEA
5. Ginte Preisaite - dūzgia
6. Messell - I - I