Afgang 2024: Simon Hiemstra
Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
Kbh K 1437
Simon Hiemstra plunges headfirst into the depths of the avant-garde metal scene with his bachelor project. Usually active in the experimental rock bands Poptones and Swimming Pool, he now embraces the metal tradition through downtuned guitar riffs, chaotic speed and frightful tonality.
The music is created with the guitar as a starting point, and is all drawing from his naive and novice approach to exploring and interpreting the various traditions of metal. As a four-piece live band, they combine slow, dark atmospheres with moments of immersive beauty and furious outbursts, Simon explores anger, frustration and physicality as a tool for creative expression. This avant-garde-metal is a journey into the abyss, culminating in a concert experience of connected idéas, all made within 2024.
Anders Justiniano : Drums, yelling
Mads Bertelsen : Bas, yelling
Harald Ingvarsson : Guitar, yelling
Simon Hiemstra : Guitar, lead-yelling