Afgang 2023: Amanda Appel
Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
May My Sweater Be A Shield
For my final project at RMC I have been exploring writing functional songs for our day and age. With inspiration from religious hymns, Danish folk songs, old spells and prayers, each of the six songs are written as an expression of a human need, wish, observation or hope for something.
The music is inspired by doom metal, piano ballads, classical music, medieval music, jazz and country, all meeting in the multiverse reality of 2023. The songs are composed in collaboration with the band members <3
The songs also contain contributions from Laura Marie Madsen, Connie Converse and Simon Grotrian.
Alvilda Reiter Jakobsen (bass, vocals)
Amanda Appel (vocals, piano)
Benedicte Pierleoni-Nielsen (drums)
Krzysztof Hadrych (guitar)
Mette Hommel Østerlund (flute, vocals)