Artist Talk

Artist talk: Nils Frahm

Mød den tyske instrumentalist Nils Frahm til en gratis artist talk på RMC modereret af Sharin Foo.

Akvariet, RMC
Eik Skaløes Plads
1437 KHB K

Entrance fee

I april måned gæster den tyske instrumentalist Niels Frahm København i forbindelse med et residency under titlen ’Musik til Danmark’ arrangeret og præsenteret af smash!bang!pow! og VEGA. Her er det meningen, at han skal skabe nye musikalske værker i fællesskab med danske kunstnere og med inspiration fra Danmark.

I den forbindelse gæster Nils Frahm RMC til en artist talk modereret af Sharin Foo, omhandlende hans kunstneriske praksis, hans ukonventionelle tilgang til klaveret og hans arbejde med ‘Musik til Danmark’.

Artist talken er gratis og kræver ingen tilmelding. Der vil være øl og vand til salg i baren. 

Talken er præsenteret i et samarbejde mellem RMC, VEGA, smash!bang!pow! og Københavns Akademi for Musik, Dans & Teater.

Om Nils Frahm

Nils Frahm blev tidligt introduceret til musikken og lærte at spille klaver tidligt i sin barndom. Det var herigennem, at Nils begyndte at fordybe sig i stilarterne hos klassiske pianister fra tidligere generationer såvel som musikken fra nutidige komponister, før han skabte sin egen musikalske vej gennem komposition.

I dag begår Nils Frahm sig som komponist, producer og performer med sit imponerende studie i det berømte Funkhaus i Berlin som udgangspunkt for sit arbejde. Hans ukonventionelle tilgang til et ældgammelt instrument, spillet kontemplativt og intimt, har vundet ham mange fans over hele verden. Nils har opnået global berømmelse for sin højtudviklede sans for kontrol og tilbageholdenhed i sit arbejde, såvel som et betagende niveau af følelser og personlighed.

Om 'Musik til Danmark'

Nils Frahm gæster København i forbindelse med et residency under titlen ’Musik til Danmark’ arrangeret og præsenteret af smash!bang!pow! og VEGA. I fællesskab med danske kunstnere og med inspiration fra Danmark vil Nils Frahm skabe en forbindelse mellem sin neo-klassiske, ambiente og elektroniske musik og de danske omgivelser.

Det særlige ophold i Danmark vil udover tre koncerter i VEGA 19.4 + 20.4 + 21.4 også byde på bl.a. en udstilling i Ideal Bar (18.4-21.4) akkompagneret af Nils Frahms værker i immersiv lyd, samt artist talken på RMC. 


Artist talk: Nils Frahm  

Meet the German instrumentalist Nils Frahm for an artist talk at RMC moderated by Sharin Foo.  

In April, the German instrumentalist Niels Frahm will visit Copenhagen as part of a residency entitled 'Music for Denmark', organized and presented by smash!bang!pow! and VEGA. Here he will create new musical works in collaboration with Danish artists and inspired by Denmark.

Nils Frahm visits RMC for an artist talk moderated by Sharin Foo about his artistic practice, his unconventional approach to the piano and his work with 'Music for Denmark'.

The artist talk is free and requires no registration. Beer and water will be available for purchase at the bar.  

The talk is presented in a collaboration between RMC, VEGA and Copenhagen Academy of Music, Dance & Theater. 

About Nils Frahm

Nils Frahm was introduced to music at an early age and learned to play the piano early in his childhood. It was through this that Nils began to immerse himself in the styles of classical pianists from previous generations as well as the music of contemporary composers, before forging his own musical path through composition. 

Today Nils Frahm is a composer, producer and performer with his impressive studio in the famous Funkhaus in Berlin as a starting point for his work. His unconventional approach to an ancient instrument, played contemplatively and intimately, has won him many fans around the world. Nils has gained global fame for his highly developed sense of control and restraint in his work, as well as a breathtaking level of emotion and personality. 

About Music to Denmark

Nils Frahm is visiting Copenhagen as part of a residency entitled 'Music to Denmark' organized and presented by smash!bang!pow! and VEGA. In collaboration with Danish artists and with inspiration from Denmark, Nils Frahm will create a connection between his neo-classical, ambient and electronic music and the Danish surroundings. 

In addition to three concerts in VEGA 19.4 + 20.4 + 21.4, the special stay in Denmark will also include an exhibition in Ideal Bar (18.4-21.4) accompanied by Nils Frahm's works in immersive sound, as well as an artist talk at RMC.