RMC præsenterer i Brorsons: Ivar Asheim + Martin Brunbjerg + Kleo
Brorsons Kirke
Rantzausgade 49
2200 København N
Følg med på aftenens Facebook-event
kl. 19.00: Ivar Asheim
kl. 20.00: Martin Brunbjerg
kl. 21.00: Kleo
Ivar Asheim
Drummer and composer Ivar Asheim springs out of the colorful and blooming music scene of Oslo. His musical approach stems from an interest in improv, modern jazz, electronic pop and Norwegian folk music.
Ivars music expresses his interest in the natural and organic, through wavy and pulsating instrumental music. He thematizes the beauty of things that are breathing, growing, withering and dying. Natures complexity and vulnerability.
Zoe Efstathiou - piano
Egil Kalman - modular synth, double bass
Jon Sensmeier - tenor saxophone
Ivar Asheim - drums, composition
Listen on Soundcloud.
Photo: Aurelijus Užameckis
Martin Brunbjerg
1. All sounds are required a social distance of at least 2 meters.
2. No more then 10 sound are allowed to be gathered simultaneously at the same location.
3. Masks are mandatory for all sounds.
What: An improvised corona free concert.
When: 20:00 10th of June.
Where: Brorsons Kirken.
Who: Luka Zabric (saxophone), Stefan Szabó (suitar), Martin Brunbjerg (upright bass), You.
About: Join this evening with Luka, Stefan and Martin and be a part of a sound investigation of Brorsons Kirken. It will be an evening of dreams, sounds and infinite moments.
Her heart on her sleeve, Alexandra Kleo Leia writes by the piano; scenes from love stories viewed through the eyes of starry-eyed youth. Reflecting on the juxtapositions of life, light and darkness, yin & yang, and conjuring a hybrid universe of Vedic astrology, hyperromance and rock’n roll.
This is dream pop and velvet vocals, it’s Leonard Cohen’s view from the monastery and Lana Del Rey walking through the cobbled stoned streets of Copenhagen. The texture of a polaroid slowly exposing the narrative, or a sort of requiem of the time in which I’m writing. Like when you’re having one of those dreamlike stare-into-blank-space-kinda moments.
Alexandra Kleo Leia
P. Jacob Fossum
Oliver Nehammer
Alexander Mackenzie
Listen on Youtube.
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Der vil kun være siddepladser og kapaciteten er begrænset på grund af retningslinjerne for spillesteder som følge af situationen med Covid-19.
Koncertsalen skal rengøres imellem hver koncert, så publikum skal forlade salen.
Admittance must be booked in advance – FULLY BOOKED
Seated audience only and a limited capacity due to the guidelines for reopening cultural events during the Covid-19 situation.
The concert hall must be cleaned between each concert, and the audience will be asked to step outside.