
Incompleting places

Project duration:

Incompleting places– surrection and mirage making through topocosmological hypering, investigates how hypering might be used as a strategy of disorientation in places as wobbly, manifolded mirage-like topocosms.

 The project seeks to develop methodologies that allow for incompletion of Western onthologies, which often occupy  foregrounds, but paradoxically (and depending on position), are made invisible through (over)saturation. Within the project Hypering is thought as a possible way of going beyond places - of warping places and exploring (and possibly escaping) affective goo and ambient stickiness of places, allowing for multiple places to appear (and coexist) within the khora.

More concretely the project hopes to provide knowledge into how hypering of mediation might surrect ways of listening in which notions of neutrality, clarity and the site specific are scrambled in simultaneous processes of place making, nonplace making, replace making and displace making.

By preventing human-made artefacts from maintaining their expected status as foreground in investigations of places as permeable folded wobbly bodies, the phenomenon of background is made both explicit and blurry within a palimpsestuous dynamic challenging Western notions of linear time and humans being essentially separate from other bodies.

The project is situated within a theoretical framework including resources such as Doreen Massey, Dylan Robinson, Karen Barad, Sarah Ahmed, Catherine Malabou, Edward Casey, Marc Augé and José Esteban Muñoz.

Keywords: Orientation, entanglement, queer temporality, decolonialism, proximity, distance, palimpsest, listening.