Cooperation when serving the music
By Hanne Boel & Morten Büchert
'Cooperation when serving the Music' is a pedagogical research and development project that has lastet 5 years. Professor Hanne Boel and Assistant Professor Morten Büchert wanted to develop the pedagogical foundation for cross-‐disciplinary education at RMC towards making the specific education both as close to regular pratice as possible and carried by the natural cooperation that exists when a professional musician and a sound engineer is trying to realize the vision of creating a work of art on the highest level. The results of the project is found both in examples of the specific planning of educational activities where the pedagogic foundation forms the basis and in the thoughts and reflections mentioned that hopefully will inspire to the development of RMC's educations in general and in cross-‐disciplinary and cross artistic cooperations specifically.
Read the rapport HERE (in danish)