RMC Vinterjazz: insatsic mazagu
Akvariet, RMC
Eik Skaløes Plads
København K 1437
insatsic mazagu konstruerer byer lavet af vibrationsmateriale. De er landskaber i konstant forandring, nogle gange så skrøbelige som et korthus, andre gange så konkrete som skind, snore eller metalrør. Selvom det rum, du måske befinder dig i, virker fjernt og uhåndgribeligt, er der spor af menneskelig aktivitet at finde overalt. Et pust, et strejf af huden eller et strøg med en børste.
I kombination kortlægger disse elementer en vej gennem fantasiens ustabile arkitektur.
Line up:
- Tomás Gubbins - guitar
- Luka Zabric - alto saxophone
- Sebastians Macats - drums
insatsic mazagu constructs cities made of vibrational material. They are ever-changing landscapes, sometimes as fragile as a house of cards, other times as concrete as skins, strings or metal pipes. Although the space you might find yourself in seems distant and elusive, there are traces of human activity to be found everywhere. A breath of air, a touch of the skin or a stroke of a brush. Combined, these elements map out a pathway through the instable architecture of imagination.