Afgang 2022: Mark Ibsgaard Gregersen
Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K
As a bassist and composer, Mark Ibsgaard Gregersen explores the intersections and borders between fixed constructions and improvisation, utilizing the relationship between the abstract and the concrete.
"Throughout this project I have been curious to find ways of navigating and controlling an egalitarian interplayed music that I had in mind. By embodying dense structures within this seven-piece ensemble, we have explored ways for us to sustain a multilayered soundscape, in which the sum of our activity causes narratives to unfold organically."
Mark Ibsgaard Gregersen – double bass
Michaela Turcerová – alto saxophone
Luka Zabric – alto saxophone
Ivar Myrset Asheim – drums, cymbals, percussion
Halym Kim – drums, cymbals, percussion
Simon Forchhammer – drums, cymbals, percussion
PJ Fossum – synthesizer