
Ideas on Sound: International exposition award for RMC research project

Head of Research Søren Kjærgaard is awarded by Society for Artistic Research for the project 'Traversing Sonic Territories (TST)'.

Research exposition with other means than sound and music can be a challenge when the field of artistic research is sound and music.

In the digital exposition of the RMC artistic research project 'Traversing Sonic Territories (TST)' it is done through design, navigation and illustrative visual elements, that enables the recipient to think about sonic identity and ideas on sound.

And that is awarded by Society for Artistic Research with the 3rd prize for the best annual research exposition in 2023 on Research Catalogue - the largest international digital platform for artistic research.

'Traversing Sonic Territories (TST)' revolves around musicians improvising and exchanging  sound libraries. It is supported by the Danish Ministry of Culture's pool for Artistic Research and carried through by RMC's vice principal, head of education and research Søren Kjærgaard, in collaboration with Professor Torben Snekkestad from the Norwegian Academy of Music.

The project was published in the peer reviewed VIS Journal of Artistic Research in October 2023 on Research Catalogue.

Visit the exposition here:

TST at Research Catalogue

Graphics: Colors Geometry