One-to-one instrumental tuition has traditionally constituted the core teaching and learning activity for classical music higher education institutions, and most jazz programmes somehow seem to have taken similar structural approaches.
In recent years, with pop, rock and electronica entering many music conservatories, it appears as if ambitions to educate creative, personal artists has
pinpointed the need for renewed attention to the suitability of conventional curricular approaches. At Rhythmic Music Conservatory Copenhagen, the
work place of the two authors, a decisive curricular shift aiming at meeting such needs, was recently put to work. The main ambition was to place the
students’ development of their own compositional and performative material at the core of the curriculum, materialised through the weekly KUA critique
The chapter reporting this investigation is published in the anthology Becoming Musicians edited by Stefan Gies and Jon Helge Sætre.
The anthology can be found here, the chapter "Becoming a researching artist" can be found p. 151-170.