Artistic Development – A Course Introduction
This course introduction aims to give an overview of the subject Artistic Development at Rhythmic
Music Conservatory (RMC), Copenhagen. In this text, just as inside RMC, the subject goes by its
Danish headline, Kunstnerisk Udviklingsarbejde, and the abbreviation KUA.
At RMC, the KUA subject is generally the main subject for all performance and composition
students, across levels (bachelor and master). Informed by the characteristics of (but not identical
to) Artistic Research, the KUA subject follows the student’s process from the first day of the
bachelor study programme until the final project/ final concert during the graduation exams.
The text intends to function as a reference guide for bachelor and master students. For master
students at RMC who took their bachelor’s degrees at other institutions, the course introduction
can be used to get to know the KUA concepts that fellow continuing RMC students are already
familiar with from their bachelor studies. In addition, the text might be of interest to students,
teachers, administration staff and censors at arts education institutions around the world, whether
within music or other art forms.