
Afgang 2024: Rosanna Lorenzen

(Kandidat, Music Performance)

Koncertsalen, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K

Lyd og stilhed. Lys og mørke. Nært og fjernt. Vådt og tørt. Resonans og dissonans.
En dualitet er modsætninger der mødes, og en form for dobbelthed sker. I kombinationen med cello og elektronik, og det akustiske og det elektroniske udtryk møder hinanden, opstår der en form for duo. Der findes en kontrast, samtidig med en dialog. Hvilken lyd findes allerede i celloens krop, og hvilken lyd bliver skabt ved manipulation udefra? Og eksisterer der en vedvarende balance, eller skifter det mellem dialog og monolog?

Kymatik er visualiseringen af lydens vibrationer, og selvbyggede kymatiske plader er en del af værket. Ordet har sin oprindelse i det oldgræske ord "Kyma", som betyder bølge. Lyd bliver sendt til en plade med vand, og visuelle mønstre opstår. Denne oversættelse er en utrolig ren form for visualisering af lyd. Der sker ikke elektronisk manipulation af billedet, og hvad du ser er akkurat lydvibrationernes visuelle form medieret. Lyden bliver kropsliggjort – du får lov til at se den "soniske krop".
Lyskunstner Amalie Solander (Vertigo), vil skabe lys, såvel som mørke, i en dialog med kymatikken, og i mødet med lyden.

Både lyd, rum, lys og billede vil være i spil i dette multikanals-værk, hvor du bliver inviteret med ind i at udforske tosomheden.

Rosanna Lorenzen er tværkunstnerisk komponist, cellist og improviser. I sit soloprojekt rosyán udforsker hun, med sin cello i hovedrollen, instrumentet og dets muligheder, både akustisk og gennem elektronisk manipulation, hvor nye uforudsigelige lydmønstre opstår, fra skrøbelige passager til råt og massivt. I sin lyd bevæger hun sig mellem atmosfæriske lydlandskaber og rytmiske strukturer, konstant balancerende mellem improvisation og forudbestemt form.


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Sound and silence. Light and dark. Near and far. Wet and dry. Resonance and dissonance.
A duality is opposites that meet each other. A form of doubleness occurs through the combination of two different expressions. In the combination of cello and electronics, and the acoustic and the electronic expression meet each other, a kind of duo arises. There is a contrast, at the same time a kind of dialogue, between the two instruments. Which sound exists in the body of the cello already, and which sound is created by manipulation from outside? And is there a constant balance, or does it switch between dialogue and monologue?

Cymatics is the visualization of sound vibrations, and self-built cymatic plates will be part of the performance. The word has its origins in the ancient Greek word "Kyma", which means wave. Sound is sent to a plate with water on it, and visual patterns emerge. This translation an incredibly pure form of visualization of sound. No electronic manipulation of the image has been done, and what you see is exactly the visual form of the sound vibrations mediated. The sound becomes embodied - you get to see the "sonic body".
In working with the visual element, there has also been a collaboration with light artist Amalie Solander (Vertigo), who will be present at the performance creating light live, as well as darkness, in a dialogue with the cymatics and in the meeting with the sounds.

Both sound, space, light and image will be at play in this multi-channel piece, where you are invited to explore the twoness.

Rosanna Lorenzen is multidisciplinary composer, cellist and improviser. In her solo project rosyán, with her cello in the lead role, she explores the instrument and its possibilities, both acoustically and through electronic manipulation, where new unpredictable sound patterns emerge, from fragile passages to raw and massive. In her sound, she moves between atmospheric soundscapes and rhythmic structures, constantly balancing between improvisation and predetermined form.

10 - 20 June

55 concerts + events

Free admission all days
