
Afgang 2024: Torstein Slåen

(Kandidat, Music Performance)

Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K

'The Garden Of Earthly Delights' is a painting by the Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch (ca. 1450-1516) which covers the theme of humanity's need to realize it's desires and it's fantasies, ultimately leading to it's own destruction. Paradoxically enough, the painting also presents itself as an ode to fantasy and creativity, and to this day is still viewed as a timeless classic still with futuristic qualities. This begs the question: Should we examine the truths which is contained inside our fantasies as opposed to realizing our fantasies into the real world? And is that what art is really about?

Torstein Slåen is a musician and composer mainly working in the field of improvised instrumental music, who with this project wish to expand from combining his musical interests to use the art scene as a whole as inspiration. With the Bosch painting working as a catalyst for this, Slåen creates soundscapes both sombre and intense, connecting the musical influence from composers like Deathprod, Brian Eno, Messiaen and Ligeti with the art philosophies of people like Andrei Tarkovsky and David Lynch.

Torstein Slåen - Guitar and synths
Malina Midera - Synth
Petter Asbjørnsen - Bass
Rémy Gouffault - Drums and electronics


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10 - 20 June

55 concerts + events

Free admission all days
