
RMC præsenterer på Stairway: Beauty Club + Eyarã + Maríe Louise Bjarnarson + Ey-Kat-I-Lep-See

Oplev spændende musikere fra Københavns talentmasse, når Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium (RMC) inviterer til gratis 1. års-kandidatkoncerter på Stairway.

Lindehøjen 12
2720 Vanløse


Følg med på aftenens Facebook-event.

kl. 19.00: Beauty Club
kl. 20.00: EYARÃ
kl. 21.00: Maríe Louise Bjarnarson
kl. 22.00: Ey-Kat-I-Lep-See

Beauty Club

Beauty Club is an exclusive organization dedicated to the research and promotion of beauty. Its three red-dressed, bandana-wearing spokespeople are Person Boom Boom Boom Boom, Tomas Elle Stun and Pony Thunders by the powers of bass, drums and guitar. Absurd, dangerous and groovy as their music. From the shadows of the Scandinavian dreamland, as a funeral fanfare for the death of truth, this is the Sound of the Nordic Welfare in their first public appearance. Beauty Club are the future of dumpster-diving.    

Person Boom Boom Boom Boom - electric six-stringed unit, vocals
Tomas Elle Stun - electric four-stringed device, vocals
Pony Thunders - acoustic resononant skinset, vocals


Eyarã unites electronic sounds and South American rhythms with jazzy vibes. Quite an uncommon combination just as the trio itself: Vibraphone, Electric Bass and Drums. Three young, but experienced musicians who know their way around all three music scenes due to their Latin roots and professional artworks. Eyarã symbolizes, in the South American (more particularly in the Guaraní) culture, a red flamingo which enchants his spectators by its stunning appearance and voice.This mythology inspires the sound ofthe trio placing it into a futuristic surrounding. A trio which introduces itsvery own color to various music scenes. Accompanied by positive vibes and completed through a smooth interplay of three different influences.

Lucas Dorado – vibraphone, effects
Sven Holscher – bass, effects
Special Guest: Rasmus Elhøj - drums

Watch and listen on Youtube, more on Facebook or Instagram

Maríe Louise Bjarnarson

Maríe Louise Bjarnarson er sanger og sangskriver. Sammen med sit band vil hun opføre et repertoire, der tager lytteren igennem alt fra Twin Peaks inspirerede popsange til countryballader.


Ey-Kat-I-Lep-See is a manifestation of the realms of a woman’s unconscious, of the body that speaks. It is a sound-installation, a music concert, an aesthetic abstract art piece, an agrestic raw manifestation of primal human expression, a Childs play, a space/ritual that evokes/offers release of primal energy to the performers and the audience. Ey-Kat-I-Lep-See is a large ensamble representing a female body, in which many states and voices reside, who each evokes emotions, which by themselves, don’t posses names of their own. They can only speak through landscapes of sounds, of dissonance, of noise, of song.

The manifestation does not belong to a particular genre, a particular telling, a specific style. It cannot be categorized, for it is older than the languages in which categorization exists. It invites you to embrace the incomprehensibleness and the impossibility ofcomprehending and conceiving the complex human psyche. Ey-Kat-I-Lep-See invites you to travel through the realms of the mind and body of a woman, who finally acknowledges her own self and the history and mythology that resides in her, through 4 landscapes, 4 souls that resides in her body.

Lineup - vocals:
Nadia Okrusko
Amanda Drew
Sisa Fehér
Marijke Florien Maes
Dunia Huarachi Jørgensen
Cristina Ferro
Flavia Huarachi Jørgensen

Lineup - instruments:
Ignacio Córdoba - quadrodphone
Paul Jacob Fossum - piano, electronics
Ivar Myrset Asheim – drums
Aurelijus Uzameckis - contrabass

Painting by Cris Ferro - see her work on Instagram.


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Koncertsalen skal rengøres imellem hver koncert, så publikum skal forlade salen.


Admittance must be booked in advance – FULLY BOOKED

Seated audience only and a limited capacity due to the guidelines for reopening cultural events during the Covid-19 situation.

The concert hall must be cleaned between each concert, and the audience will be asked to step outside.